Information: A magical staff designed to cast healing spells. All healing spells
cast with it will heal 5 points more than what they are marked as healing with no extra MP cost,
whether the move is healing HP, VP, or MP. Offensive spells can be cast with it, but it has no
use as a melee weapon.
Name: Mend Staff
Type: Magic
Element: None
Ailment: None
Power: Attack x0
Hits: 1
Information: Slightly more advanced than a Heal Staff. It adds 10 points to all
healing spells cast with it, but is otherwise identical.
Name: Recover Staff
Type: Magic
Element: None
Ailment: None
Power: Attack x0
Hits: 1
Information: The most exquisite healing staff. Healing spells cast with it will
heal the target by an additional 50 points, whether they are restoring HP, VP, or MP, and there
will be no additional MP cost.
Name: Physic Staff
Type: Magic
Element: None
Ailment: None
Power: Attack x0
Hits: 1
Information: A coveted healing staff that changes all single-target healing spells
cast with it to multitarget ones without increasing the MP cost. It has no effect on regular
multitarget healing spells, though, and does not deal any damage as a melee weapon.
Name: Fortify Staff
Type: Magic
Element: None
Ailment: None
Power: Attack x0
Hits: 1
Information: A wondrous healing staff that makes all healing spells multitarget
like a Physic Staff, and additionally increases their healing potential by 10 points, whether
they restore HP, VP, or MP.
Name: Restore Staff
Type: Magic
Element: None
Ailment: None
Power: Attack x0
Hits: 1
Information: A magical staff designed to augment healing spells. If a spell that
restores HP, VP, or MP is cast with it, then the spell will additionally cure all of the target's
Status Problems. Spells that already cure Status Problems will be unaffected, but spells that
remove all statuses whether good or bad will be altered to only remove bad ones.