6) Final Note
As the very name of this site, Ostinato, incorporates, the Arpeggio system as I have laid it out
here may seem rather dizzying in its vastness. Furthermore, this is quite contrary to the idea of
heavy simplification that the first two Paper Mario games embrace and for which I
love them so dearly. This final note, then, is here to remind potential young Maestri that all of
the information on this site is entirely optional. While I enjoy the thought of
someone stumbling upon this site and actually using the system as I have laid it out, I realize
that I have added many (perhaps too many) aspects to what was originally something quite closer
to Paper Mario and its simplicity; if you, as a Maestro, wish to forgo the weapon
system, the support system, armor, the mental disorders, or even something as basic as field
stats or Magic Power and Brain Power, then feel free to do so. Remember, the purpose of Arpeggio
as I have designed it is to have fun: if you need to heavily edit the system to
achieve this, then by all means, do. All of the crazy details are there mostly because I cannot
stop thinking them up, as opposed to thinking that anyone will actually use them. Do what you
will, for I could not stop you if I wanted to.
I do suggest that if you wish to forgo the separate VP and MP and only have one such stat, you
should call it Fuel Points, abbreviated FP, because that way it will be the
same abbreviation as in Paper Mario, where it stood for "Flower Points."
~Grate Oracle Lewot