
OstinatoDefault DataEnemiesGems

Holly Blue Agate Sheet


Weapon Levels

Combat Stats

Field Stats



Special Attacks

Psychic Attacks

Magical Attacks

Elemental Modifiers


We've only ever seen one Holly Blue Agate in the show, so we're judging the abilities of Agates entirely off of her. There are presumably other types of Agates, but it's hard to say how much or how little they would differ. Furthermore, fan wikis and the like classify Agates as a subtype of Quartzes, probably based on real-life comparisons, but this wasn't directly stated in the show. That being said, Holly Blue used a whip not unlike Amethyst's, but coursing with electricity. I gave all Gems a weakness to the Thunder Element in reference to the various pieces of Gem disruption technology, which all seem to be electrical in nature (not to mention Yellow Diamond's lightning), although Garnet once deflected a natural lightning bolt with minimal effort, so feel free to get rid of that weakness if you prefer a different interpretation. In this one, though, Holly Blue has an Elemental advantage over other Gems, which helps explain why she was put in charge of an unruly group of Amethysts. Her stats are otherwise nearly identical to theirs, since there didn't seem to be a huge power discrepancy, but she's clearly ranked higher in the Gem culture. In song, it's explained that the job of an Agate is to "terrify," which fits Holly's assignment as something like a prison guard, but could also mean that they're used as actual soldiers at times. Suffice to say, this was one of the harder sheets for me to work out.