Information: An axe with a long handle designed to take out riders of horses and
other mounted units.
Name: Laguz Axe
Type: Melee
Subtype: Axe
Level: C
Element: None
Ailment: None
Power: Attack x2 +2 (+2 to laguz)
Hits: 1
Information: An axe designed to kill the laguz tribes. It does extra damage to them
and is used by prejudiced beorc on laguz hunts.
Name: Bolt Axe
Type: Melee
Subtype: Axe
Level: C
Element: Thunder
Ailment: None
Power: Magic x2 +1 (Projectile)
Hits: 1
Information: An axe imbued with Thunder magic. All special attacks using it refer
to Magic Power instead of Attack Power, and become the Thunder Element. Also, it is thrown for
its basic attack.
Name: Swordreaver
Type: Melee
Subtype: Axe
Level: C
Element: None
Ailment: None
Power: Attack x2 +1 (Reave)
Hits: 1
Information: A special axe that reverses the Weapon Triangle and doubles its bonus
damage, meaning that it does +2 to Sword-type weapons and -2 to Lance-type weapons, and Lances
get +2 against it whilst Swords get -2.
Name: Brave Axe
Type: Melee
Subtype: Axe
Level: B
Element: None
Ailment: None
Power: Attack x2 +1
Hits: 2
Information: An axe that allows the user to strike twice in a single turn. It is
difficult to use.
Name: Killer Axe
Type: Melee
Subtype: Axe
Level: B
Element: None
Ailment: None
Power: Attack x2 +1 (Total: x3, Chance: 25%)
Hits: 1
Information: An axe that occasionally lands devastating hits of three times their
normal power.