Ammo: 60 (Energy Dust Clip I, Gravity Dust Clip I, Fire Dust Clip I, Wind Dust Clip
I, Earth Dust Clip I, Water Dust Clip I, Lightning Dust Clip I, Ice Dust Clip I, Lava Dust Clip
Information: A combination of a lance and a machinegun. Its gun function fires six
rounds per turn. A likely weapon for White Fang grunts.
Name: Fully Automatic Lance
Type: Hybrid
Melee Subtype: Lance
Projectile Subtype: Machinegun
Level: C
Element: None
Ailment: None
Power: Attack x2 +2 (Melee), 1 (Projectile)
Hits: 1 (Melee), 6 (Projectile)
Ammo: 120 (Energy Dust Clip II, Gravity Dust Clip II, Fire Dust Clip II, Wind Dust
Clip II, Earth Dust Clip II, Water Dust Clip II, Lightning Dust Clip II, Ice Dust Clip II, Lava
Dust Clip II)
Information: I don't actually know what the difference is between semi and fully
automatic. In this case, the lance function deals more damage, while the machinegun function
isn't any stronger but the weapon can hold more ammo.
Name: Harpoon Gun
Type: Hybrid
Melee Subtype: Lance
Projectile Subtype: Harpoon Gun
Level: D
Element: None
Ailment: None
Power: Attack x2 (Melee), 5 (Projectile)
Hits: 1
Ammo: Infinite
Information: A gun designed to launch out a harpoon attached to a rope or chain,
which can then be pulled back and reused infinitely. It's traditionally used to hunt whales, but
as a hybrid weapon, the harpoon is equivalent to an Iron Lance, while the gun allows that to be
launched as a projectile, dealing damage irrespective of the wielder's stats that still counts as
Lance-type in the Weapon Triangle. To use the harpoon as a lance, you need a D Weapon Level, but
you can fire it from the gun without any training.