
OstinatoDefault DataEnemiesPaper MarioChapter 5

Knight Guy Sheet


Weapon Levels

Combat Stats

Field Stats



Special Attacks

Psychic Attacks

Magical Attacks

Elemental Modifiers


A Shy Guy riding on the back of an Ostro, as seen in Super Mario Bros. 2. There, they were otherwise just normal Shy Guys, but to go along with the "Knight" moniker, I've given them the option to wear armor and wield lances or shields. This allows the Maestro to vary their threat level, which is why they appear in the Chapter 5 section instead of Chapter 4 with most of the Shy Guy types. If you give them a Guy Spear, then they're basically just fancier Spear Guys. The main reason I added this sheet was to create a Mario enemy that counts as a "mounted unit," therefore interacting with that system from Fire Emblem.

