
OstinatoDefault DataFusionsGems

Bluebird Azurite Sheet


Weapon Levels

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Special Attacks

Psychic Attacks

Magical Attacks

Elemental Modifiers


A fusion of a Ruby and an Aquamarine, which doesn't really get any bigger, but stands upright on four tight-knit legs. The Bluebird we saw was formed out of a mutual hatred of Steven, and thus may have a different appearance than one formed for another reason. Either way, she retains water wings and even gets an ice cutlass. She initially played harmless pranks on Steven, seemingly done out of a misunderstanding of human culture, but her intentions were indeed malicious, although she was still a bit clueless, assuming that no one had deduced her component Gems when everyone had. This kind of personality probably comes from both a Ruby's simpleness and an Aquamarine's self-importance.
