
OstinatoDefault DataFusionsMario

Darker Whackitu Sheet


Weapon Levels

Combat Stats

Field Stats



Special Attacks

Psychic Attacks

Magical Attacks

Elemental Modifiers


A fusion of a Whacka Ghost and a Dark Lakitu. It's called Darker because you could conceivably fuse a Dark Lakitu with a regular Whacka, or a Whacka Ghost with a regular Lakitu... Anyway, with the Whacka Ghost being much more potent than a living Whacka (this was made before the TTYD remake turned Whacka into a secret boss, mind), this is a powerful fusion—its astonishing 150 VP and ability to conjure more Sky-Blue Spinies and Whammers means that it'll never realistically run out of fuel for strong attacks, and it inherits all of the Whacka Ghost's hammer moves plus the Dark Lakitu's better charging ability. If you destroy its Dark Lakitu Cloud, then it no longer counts as flying, but still has a fused Platform stat of 10; while it does have the cloud, the Whacka Ghost's Platform is combined with the cloud's for 18 total. It can also dive underground for multiple turns, where you'll only be able to hit it with earthquakes or psychic attacks. And since the fused Attack Power going into the WBAP of the Whammer is larger, that'll deal 20 damage just as a base.
