
OstinatoDefault DataFusionsMario

Darkester Slakitu-Broid Para-Magikoopatrol Bones Sheet


Weapon Levels

Combat Stats

Field Stats



Special Attacks

Psychic Attacks

Magical Attacks

Elemental Modifiers


A fusion of (deep breath) a Dark Lakitu, Sledge Bro., Dark Paratroopa, Magikoopa, Dark Koopatrol, and Dark Bones. This is therefore an upgrade to the Darker Dry Lakitammer-Broid Para-Magikoopatrol, via replacing the Hammer Bro. with a Sledge Bro., the Koopatrol with a Dark Koopatrol, and the Dry Bones with a Dark Bones. This means that the abilities of the two are largely the same, but this one's stats are significantly higher. I was going to call this something like "Ultimate Koopa Fusion" to simplify the name, but there are still plenty of ways to make it even stronger while still limiting additions to the Koopa family, such as adding a Chargin' Chuck or a Boom Boom. Do remember, though, that the more fusers there are, the harder it is, statistically speaking, for them all to remain in mental harmony in order to maintain the physical fusion. For minions like these, their shared motivation could simply be serving their king, but it's easy to imagine resentments forming and disrupting the fusion.
